
Catrina Lloyd

For as long as I can remember, I always carry with me a strong urge to paint. There is just something about the application of paint to a surface. Be it paper, canvas, board, or anything really. The movement of making a brushstroke, the vibrancy of colour, the way paint moves like water when it is runny and how you can scratch back into it when it is thick. For me, paint is the best medium to create the kinds of textures and layers I see when I’m out in nature. It has so much movement and versatility.
— Catrina Lloyd
Original Painting

Original Painting


Catrina is an artist we picked up in the early days of her art career. We loved her understanding of the canvas as a space to work on, the energy she is able to create with the use of colours, texture and medium and how she uses the environment of her neighbourhood in Muriwai as inspiration. With the latest body of works she has taken her work to a whole other level. So cool to see an artist develop her confidence and ability hand in hand. We are so proud to be working with the lovely Catrina. ARTFORM.

Currently in the gallery…


Catrina studied Spatial Design at AUT and have a background working in both the fabric and interior design industries. Now an abstract painter with a passion for interpreting the many layers of my natural environment.
’Whenever I’m outside in Muriwai I can’t help but see endless paintings, endless textures, colours, lines, shapes, light and movement, and so much west coast energy.’
Catrina has been enjoying creating these layers and translating what she sees through exploring different techniques using paint, ink, dye, pastel, pen and pencil.
Painting helps her to be more present and to observe. She has been learning to give over to the process of the work and let go of the end result. The greatest challenge for every artist.